Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Final lap to graduation

I am currently in the second week into PRCP now, the final lap before graduation. It kinda felt surreal, it felt just like yesterday when I just graduated from secondary school. In the blink of an eye, here I am, responding to my calling and graduating soon.

PRCP was not as bad as I imagined it to be. Probably this is just the start but I felt like I am enjoying it. Never have I enjoyed this much before. I give credits to the friendly people and probably the new environment to start afresh. You know what they say, being in a new environment and all is akin giving you a second chance to start afresh.

With PRCP starting which equals to shift work, I kinda spend lesser time with my loved ones. I guess this is the sacrifice I have to make. I'd probably spend lesser time with him too, seeing that he is working office hours whereas me shift work. Having said that, this is the time to test how strong is our near to 4 years relationship really is.

I guess the things I miss most will be my friends and all the nice and cheap food upon graduating. It was not an experience full of rainbows and roses. I have had times where an immature person tried to pick a fight and I gladly play with him. I have also had times where I stay up all night to do my assignment and eventually got the grade I deserved. I mean hey, it was true that I did it last minute, but I did not rush through when doing my assignment. I did it real seriously. Or I felt that I have affinity with research papers and such. Hahahahaha.

I would probably leave this space dead seeing that I am onto my last lap before graduating. Not that I update frequently too HAHAHAHAHA. But it will probably be a long time before I come back here. Nonetheless, I would try to come back as frequently or maybe just update on the go while traveling to work. Until then, I would regret not posting the many memories I made in school but definitely will update on my graduation ☺️

Till then, xx

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